Wednesday, May 31, 2017

An easy way to write the President about the Paris Climate Agreement (or anything else)

Here's a quick and easy way to make your voice heard in the White House.  The White House web site has a fill-in-the-blanks form that can be found by clicking here.

I just now used it to write my thoughts on why the United States should remain a part of the Paris Climate Agreement.  Here's what I wrote; feel free to copy and use it in your message, either as-is or with your personal modifications:

The United States should continue as a part of the Paris Climate agreement. Stepping away from it would isolate the U.S. from the rest of the world by including us in a group with only two other members: Syria and Nicaragua, both being nations that are in a slow-motion meltdown of their governing and social institutions. Americans and America's businesses are, by all accounts, strongly supportive of the Paris agreement. The risks of not addressing climate change are real; it is business-like and prudent to take steps to mitigate risks. As individuals, our quality of life is strongly influenced by the quality of our environment, and the Paris agreement supports improvements to environmental quality. For business, remaining in the agreement means that our firms will have advantages in offering innovative technologies, services and products that can come only from America having an official and full-fledged participation in a global initiative that will open up new marketplaces and enlarge existing ones.

For these reasons, and probably many others, the United States should remain in the Paris Climate Agreement.

Thank you.
If Trump pulls us out of this agreement, I will go back to the White House web site form and write again.

How about your Senators and member of the House of Representatives?  You can write to them by seeking out each individual's web site and finding a similar form.  Different organizations have setups to make this easier, though.  One of my favorites is at the web site for Citizens' Climate Lobby.  You can find it by clicking here.  This form helps you to send the same message to all three of your U.S. elected representatives at the same time.  Couldn't be easier! I sent my message on the Paris agreement to Senators Feinstein and Harris, and to Congressman Rohrabacher.

1 comment:

Proletarian said...

Actually Trump and his cabinet would be a joke if they were not so scary.